A Life Worth Living by Nancy Buxton

The Bench is Empty

The Bench is Empty


This piano bench is empty and I’m glad.  I know it sounds odd for a piano teacher to say a foolish thing like that.  It is true, I am ready for vacation, I am really ready I could shout with joy.  Don’t get me wrong I love my students and when school starts I will be excited to get started again.

I want to give tribute to every teacher who does a good job of teaching.  I have one special teacher in mind.  Her name is, well I won’t say but I think she has teaching in her blood. She. . .

Has a light in her eyes when her students come into the room

She greets them by name

She many times gives them a hug

She stimulates their mind

She makes them feel special

She disciplines them fairly

She is creative

She cares enough to make a little note book for summer assignments

She teaches them about Jesus not just in Bible class

Her room is messy in a good way–she has tons of “stuff”

She made one little boy I know feel very successful

Thank you teachers for being so special and making a difference in the lives of your students. You will never know the difference you make in a child’s life, sometimes you are the only person to help a child realize his/her potential.

Comments on: "I Could Shout For Joy!" (2)

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