A Life Worth Living by Nancy Buxton


  I am sure you thought I misspelled PQEST, you probably thought I meant to spell POET or something.  I’m not great at spelling but you will have to finished reading this post to find out what PQRST really means.

This is a women’s ministries idea that comes to us from Boulder, Colorado.  I have left the names out to protect the innocent.  LOL

We do not have the large group you do there in Lincoln, so we meet at people’s homes. Everyone was invited to wear western attire this time, so there were lots of cowboy boots, hats, jeans, shirts, and kerchiefs (whatever people could come up with). Everyone is invited to bring food centered around the theme. Today’s main course was a yummy chili. We also had a ‘sweets’ table with delectable goodies. Our meeting was held outside under a tent canopy by the hostess’ pool. Not everyone could fit under the canopy, and it got pretty warm, but then we went inside to get our food. Some stayed inside and others went back outside to eat under trees, etc. A very good western story about a horse and two poems were read and then information about future events (including the national conference coming up in Texas this fall) were shared. It’s just a fun time for ladies to be together. We always have quite a few guests who don’t belong to our church and today’s group was no exception. Outside the front door, we registered and were given a goodie bag (just little paper gift bags with handles) full of fun little things, including the recipe to the chili and copies of the poems read and a song we sang . The goodie bags each had a kerchief tied on them, so they looked really cute. We don’t really have decorations, except for the fact that there was a life-size, wooden, horse (made by a husband) standing beside a section of split rail fence as a backdrop. Our plates and napkins looked like kerchiefs. We probably aren’t as fancy and formal as where you are, but everybody keeps coming back every time, so we know everybody enjoys themselves. This isn’t very detailed, but you can get a little feel for what we did today.
Because of it being summertime and many things going on in all our lives, our next get-together won’t be until late September. We all feel that’s too long, but it gives us something to really look forward to at the end of the summer.

 This sounds like fun and I hope to attend one of these fun events in the future.  Thanks for sharing and if any one else has some ideas for ministry please contact me by commenting on this post.


 PQRST stands for:
P = Prayer
Q = Question
R = [I’ll have to check on the serious meaning] Sometimes it’s ‘recipe,’ but that’s the ‘roving’ meaning.
S = It might be ‘service,’ but the roving meaning is ‘story.’
T = Treasure. Sometimes it is a treasure hunt; but God’s word is always the best treasure.

Because of it being summertime and many things going on in all our lives, our next get-together won’t be until late September. We all feel that’s too long, but it gives us something to really look forward to at the end of the summer.

PS:  13 1/2 pounds down, I now weigh less than my man.  I know what you’re thinking, don’t think I don’t.  You’re right, how awful to out weigh your man.

Comments on: "PQRST" (1)

  1. Congrats on the 13 1/2 pounds and no, it’s not a terrible thing to weigh more than your husband – especially when he weighs 110 pounds (ha ha!!! 🙂

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