A Life Worth Living by Nancy Buxton

Humility, the Ordinance of

Yesterday was Communion Sabbath, I love Communion, it gives me a sense of renewal, starting over, washed clean if you want to think of it like that.

Bob was eager to wash my feet, and I was BUSY, I had a job to do and when I have a job to do I “get ‘er done.”  After all I am dependable and I can’t let anything get in my way of doing my proper job.  I was taking someone’s place at the table serving water to others taking part in the ordinance of humility. 

Here sat my fella, right beside me waiting, waiting, waiting, but remember I’m BUSY. Finally he looked up at me and said, “Do you think you can do it now?”  Well, the people had slowed to a trickle so I asked the lady beside me if I could be excused.  We washed each others feet, he noted that my toenails need to be painted and smiled. https://nancyoutlook.wordpress.com/2009/05/12/how-did-mothers-day-go-for-you/ We prayed with each other and we quickly went back into the sanctuary.  Then I noticed, he was the last deacon to be seated on the front row to help serve the wine and bread.  Ugh!  Why had I not put him first and just wash our feet first and then do my DUTY?  Another lesson learned, but those lessons rarely stick.

I have been washed and forgiven by my Lord for my sins and shortcomings, He is always ready and willing to forgive.  But, I wonder when will I ever learn, when will my selfish side be put away for a new me? A kinder, less selfish, more understanding, kind of person. IDK–I am praying about it.

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