A Life Worth Living by Nancy Buxton

Posts tagged ‘anniversary’

Tomorrow. . .

Tomorrow is my 42nd anniversary.  I know you don’t think I am old enough to be married that long, I know what you mean, I don’t feel old enough to be married that long either.  But, when you think about it, we have two grown children and six, yes I said six, grandchildren.  I guess we are both old enough.

Have I told you the story?  The first time I saw him was at a birthday party, he looked pretty cute to me and his shoes were polished and he dressed well.  After dating for a few weeks I decided to take him home to meet the parents.  Here is one thing I noticed about him.  He didn’t have a temper.  My father had a quick temper and most any thing could set him off.  While on this home leave my mother had a box of apples she wanted brought into the house and my man picked up the box and the bottom fell out and the apples flew every where.  I naturally waited for the nasty words to escape his mouth and he just simply fix the bottom and picked up the apples.  This was as odd as wearing a coat in July.  I had never seen a man react so mildly to this seemingly awful thing.

Well, I didn’t base marrying Bob on this act alone but I can tell you this, I have never seen him discipline our children in anger.  I have never heard him yell at our children or me because he was angry or for any other reason.  I appreciate his patience in dealing with a wife who mostly thinks she knows it all.  He is the calming force at our house, he is the patient get ‘er done kind of guy.  I am the slam bam thank you mam, always in a hurry, I accomplish a lot but it is not usually perfect.  What a pair we are.

I thank God that he took my decision of marriage, with out a thought of praying about it, and has helped two totally different people make a home and  a happy life together

So, Happy Anniversary to my man, our children and grandchildren, it is fun to celebrate life together.

A Love Story!

We were invited to a 40th anniversary party and what fun it was!  We had a lovely meal (I should say every one else had a lovely meal), and saw friends we had not seen for a very long time.   We were all together last evening and it was an evening of visiting, fun and surprises. We even had entertainment!

The “groom” sang to the “bride”!  As the meal was just finishing up with strawberry short cake, Elvis appeared singing, “I Just Can’t Help Falling in Love With You.”  The program was a surprise to the “bride”, he sang a couple more songs and then he had planned a slide presentation that was lovely.

You may be wondering why I’m telling you this.  Well, I was struck with the word committment.  I am always so grateful when a marriage lasts through thick and thin. It is such a good example to young people today who are just starting out.

These two were older when they were married and he really didn’t want to get married again as he had already been through a divorce but she talked him into it.  At the end of the slide show the words on the screen said, “And They Lived Happily Ever After.”

If you are married  you know living happily ever after does not just happen.  I’m sure these two would be the first to tell you they have  had to work on their marriage, each giving 101 percent.

If you are struggling in your marriage I recommend Kevin Lehman’s books. Be prepared he talks a lot about S E X,  he has some very good advice.

Marriage is a wonderful thing and I pray yours is faboo, if it isn’t do something about it.  Spend some time in prayer, read some books, find a good counselor, confide in a friend who does have a good marriage.  We can learn a lot from each other.  I don’t mean tell your friend all about your troubles but ask her what they are doing to make their marriage successful.

Have a great Monday, today I will go weigh and they will measure my progress I’ll let you know how I’m doing by tomorrow.